Everyone yearns for a flat, toned stomach, but for some people, it can feel like an impossible dream.
Not anymore: A tummy tuck offers a way to remove excess skin and fat that has accumulated at the midsection, while also toning the surrounding muscles.
Is a tummy tuck the right option for you? Here are some telltale signs:
Belly Fat That Overstays Its Welcome
You eat right, hit the gym multiple times a week, and are at a healthy weight, but despite your best efforts, you still look down and see a stubborn stack of belly fat. A tummy tuck can remove this excess fat, revealing a fit, trim tummy.
Loose, Hanging Skin Around the Midsection
Loose skin that hangs around the midsection can be resistant to change, no matter how many crunches you do at the gym. While some may turn to liposuction to change the way their belly looks, the issue is not too much fat—it’s too much skin. That is why a tummy tuck is the best option for loose skin.
Drastic Body Changes
Following pregnancy or a big weight gain, the skin around your midsection can stretch past a breaking point. That means that when you shed that weight or give birth, there is an accumulation of loose skin that makes your tummy look permanently flabby. A tummy tuck can remove this excess skin, and give you back the tummy of your youth.
A Bothersome Belly Overhang
A belly overhang, oftentimes referred to as a “muffin top” is when the skin from your midsection hangs down over the top of your underwear or pants. A tummy tuck can firm up your belly and get rid of that muffin top!