Leo Lapuerta, MD Plastic Surgery - Houston, TX
Her breasts are smaller and more proportionate with her body frame. The scars are still noticeable as they take up to 2 years to mature. This picture was taken 3 months after surgery. Her nipples point forward and not down. The nipple position is right in the middle of her shoulder and elbow.
This young patient and mother of 2, had breast lift and augmentation surgery with another plastic surgeon over a year ago. She felt her breast were too large and not proportionate with her body. She consulted with Dr. Lapuerta about making her breasts smaller. She desired small perky breasts that fit well with her body size and stature. After examination, Dr. Lapuerta recommended to exchange her 470cc implants to 250cc implants. Her nipple position was already low so he also recommended to do a full breast lift at the same time. 3 months after surgery, she is much happier and feels great!